
Who's John Dylan DeLaTorre?
I am a Jersey boy through and through, discovered my love for acting and my creative aspirations at an early age in grammar school productions and by recreating iconic roles like "Luke Skywalker" and "Flash Gordon" in my backyard. I made the bold deciison to make New York City my home and pursue my studies at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts. It's been tough, but excitng at the same time.
I have been told that I have the looks and the intensity of Robert Downey Jr with the charm of Paul Rudd.
- John Dylan DeLaTorre
Roles I Play...

Master Manipulator
Eager, cutthroat and selfish. Is ready and capable to bend others to his will for justice in front of a jury or in a board room for personal gain.

Hopeless Romantic
A trustworthy confidant. Eveyone's best friend who never seems to get a break when it comes to finding love.

Seductive Heartbreaker
A dual personality that overflows with suaveness and charm, yet can turn in an instance to a cruel and vindictive scorned lover.